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“I can live for two months on a good compliment.” – Mark Twain

We all know how good it feels to receive a compliment–be it about our work, our family, our appearance. When we are seen and appreciated, it strengthens our connection to the person doing the complimenting us, expands our sense of self, and boosts It has no adverse effects best viagra in india and will not entail users ‘dependency on it. Men these viagra in usa online days are so least bothered about their health. tadalafil india online Generic version of the drug is also available easily to individuals who are looking for impotency cure. The foods which can turn a sizzling sexual life into a low burning flame very quickly are: Artificial sweeteners contain artificial preservatives that can affect your sex drive. purchase cialis online our overall confidence. We can do the same for another person simply by finding something positive to say or even making eye contact and smiling. These seemingly simple gestures can have a profound impact on another person, on ourselves and on the relationship.

How can you remind yourself to commend and compliment others rather than overlooking the good in them?

One Response to “Chapter 18: Commend and Compliment”

  1. Francisco Rauda

    I fully agree with you, my dear Dr.

    A compliment can be as simple as calling the person by name.

    Someone once said it’s the biggest compliment we can do to someone else.


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