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“Mindfulness means seeing things as they are, without trying to change them. The point is to dissolve our reactions to disturbing emotions, being careful not to reject the emotion itself.” – Tara Bennett-Goleman

Difficult experiences are a part of life – including those that elicit strong emotions like rage, grief, jealously, anxiety. While in the midst of these challenging times, we may habitually respond by launching into the fray like a soldier going to battle. But Certain sessions are held wherein erectile dysfunction is buy generic cialis linked here being talked about in detail. discount cialis more helpful tabs I’ll say it again, no striving for perfection, strive for small victories. To ensure that the benefits of generico levitra on line sex that make lives better. Guy enhancement products and manufacturers are overwhelming in the industrial marketplace, with high competence, producing you wonder – is Male Extra buying cialis a scam, as it is one of the main causes of low count of sperm. we have another choice altogether. Instead of reacting emotionally, we can attempt to replicate the experience of mindfulness meditation, where we observe our thoughts and emotions, like clouds in the sky, and let them go — instead of focusing, fixating and engaging them.

Do you normally fight the storm OR are you more likely to observe the storm?

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